Just One Reader at a Time

Just one reader at a time… My New Mantra

So I was talking with someone who I do believe enjoys reading my work, and on this particular moment we was discussing the newest piece of Flash Fiction I’d shown her. Now the story, because it is flash fiction, was an ultra short story that more or less jumped right into the action and My hopes is that it didnt let go until the end… thankfully, this reader and a few others enjoyed the story and were all quick to ask, “would there be more?” and I was nice enough to answer that I rather like the character of this particular piece of flash fiction and the story is a rather pretty good introduction to this character and his story… so needless to say I think I’ll be doing more with Ryder Blake(more on him another time).
So back to the discussion. What Im going to do is show you exactly what was said because I think it makes the story complete.
Her: Gerald y do u keep doing dat? u get me so wrapped up in reading i feel so drawn & captive & den u push my ass out of a plane wit no parachute! dats wrong
Me: See what had happen was… I only have 1000 thousand words to make a good story and thats what came out… see its my writing ploy to try and get more people to want the book I have out
Her: U still wrong Gerald
Me: Lol
See I’m just weaning you to be one of my biggest fans… you’ll be telling everyone about me lol
Her: Lmbmfao!!!!u r 2 wild for me Gerald. Welp all I gotta say know is “wean on my brother”

You see… it was an absolutely great conversation and it is something that I love doing. I think the interaction between readers and writers has to be that open that they can come to you and give you as much “grief” as necessary because you’ve written for them something that leaves them wanting … MORE. I love that! And so I say I want to win you all over One fan at a time until I have the whole world(yes, Im being facetious) in my corner of this growing Literary Empire(again… facetious! haha). But, truthfully, I do want to continue to see those who enjoy what I’m writing to the point that they do go out and share what they find with my work with those that they know.
As a writer in this new industry Ive joined, I am learning quickly that its your readers who make this so much fun and so very worthwhile. Back when I used to just write and share a little bit here and there with those I knew and they’d ask me, “why dont you get published?” I would laugh it off and say because Im really not that good… Im finding that Im really good enough; meaning that by being myself and writing from my heart and soul gives meaning to the actual work I do.
I want to thank all of those who have continued to follow me and I want to offer an early thank you to everyone who jumps aboard this train and are willing to give an Old writer new to this Writing gig a chance… All I really want to ask of all of you is … Pass it On… Word of Mouth is the greatest of advertisement for an Independent writer and we all love you for keeping our names running rampant amongst your reading friends.

My quest: to make a fan of you all … ONE reader at a Time… Are you Ready? I know I am